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April 10, 2012

April 10, 2012 - A friend pointed out that yesterday's comic seemed to be the first one to take the issue seriously, so I hope the humor (or attempts at it) haven't lessened how important I feel these issues are. In general I just feel humor breaks up some of the awkwardness surrounding the idea of discussing the issues, and hopefully makes them more approachable. Much like Aaron's commentary on sexism buried within his dialogue, I try to have something to say (even within comics involving a discussion about vibrators).

Also this is the first true appearance of Aaron (he makes a cameo in the background of the first comic). We'll get to know him better as the comic continues. I've already briefly discussed Philip's awkwardness with women's sexuality despite his profession, Aaron differs slightly in that unlike Philip he doesn't have much medical knowledge. So while Philip struggles with approaching female sexuality from a social perspective, Aaron struggles not only with the social aspects but also a lack of formal knowledge which is also somewhat related.

I realize I'm barely scratching the surface on all these ideas (and maybe hiding behind humor a bit too), but I hope to explore these ideas even further over time.

"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.