More Information about Women's Health Care Providers:
-Planned Parenthood Official Website
-Description of Services and Options
-Locate an Abortion Provider
-State by State Abortion Laws

May 11, 2012

May 11, 2012 - I initially didn't realize this strip would be up for Mother's Day weekend, but I have to admit I'm kinda psyched it worked out this way.

Anyway, I'm taking a fair amount of creative license with the depiction of the abortion. The procedure performed is intended to be an electric vacuum aspiration procedure. I'm not particularly graphic (or probably that accurate (and I'll get to some of the more notable creative licenses and why I made them in a bit)) as I wanted this comic to view the abortion from Patience's perspective. She sees very little, she's not particularly aware of the specifics of going on, she only really knows the big picture. I wish I'd drawn her a bit groggier in the final panel. But all she really sees are vague medical machines and interactions with doctors that remind her what's going on.

Considering that Patience wouldn't know or notice a lot of details, I don't mind many of the inaccuracies I'm sure exist here. I like not showing the vacuum and theorhetically there are other doctors (like say a trained anethesiologist) out of panel; I just want to stick to my core cast of seven even though I do think the clinic employs more people than that. I didn't want to crowd the panel and draw new characters. I realize Philip's kinda implied to be administering pain killers even though he wouldn't be in the room let alone doing that; it's just one of the bigger holdovers from my original casting of him as a doctor (then realizing I had no nursing staff and reimagining his character as such).

I don't really know how accurate the depiction of blood is, but it made me really uncomfortable which made me feel it necessary to include, so it could be viewed as symbolic or something.

I have slight regret in not depicting the doctors wearing long sleave gowns over their scrubs and not taking better care with their hairnets, but overall I needed to make some sacrifices to make sure it was obvious who the characters are behind all the surgical garb.

Overall I'm really happy with this, especially hiding behind the excuse that this is how Patience witnesses it, so I hope you all have a good Mother's Day. See you Monday.


"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.