More Information about Women's Health Care Providers:
-Planned Parenthood Official Website
-Description of Services and Options
-Locate an Abortion Provider
-State by State Abortion Laws

July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012 - I feel I made note of this in another blog. But women with one or more children have more abortions than women with no children, it's therefore unsurprising that they'd have interest in birth control options to prevent having to make such a choice. A huge part of most abortion clinic's business includes providing birth control which should logically lower abortion rates. All these points contribute to my strong belief that abortion clinics promote a woman's ability to take control of her own life rather than a life of silence and victimization. I understand not wanting to choose to have an abortion, but I think it's very important every woman has that choice to make.

Also I have shirts:

"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.