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August 28, 2012

August 28, 2012 - I vaguely understand what Star's going through considering all the horrible articles I have to link to in today's blog. So without further ado, let's get to it.

Firstly some encouraging news about potentially eliminating alimony payments for victims of abuse. CNN reports on inconsiderate laws protecting the alimony payments abusive partners receive that should be amended very soon. California has proposed new legislation allowing victims of abuse not to pay alimony and all signs indicate it should pass which is a major win for all victims.

Meanwhile two Republicans made comments further demonstrating a lack of sensitivity regarding victims of rape who become pregnant. Tom Smith, a candidate for senate in Pennsylvania compared getting pregnant from rape to getting pregnant out of wedlock. Obviously this claim is pretty ridiculous. Many couples choose to have children out of wedlock for whatever reason. And I'm sure many of us can think of celebrities that have gotten pregnant out of wedlock such as Adele or Bristol Palin (yes, calling her a celebrity is a stretch). The big difference between getting pregnant out of wedlock and from rape, is that the sexual encounter that caused conception is consensual. If Smith fails to see this difference, he fails to understand the definition of rape and the experiences of a victim of such a crime. He forces a woman to have no control over how she attempts to heal from such a traumatic experience because he fails to see any trauma, an absolutely reprehensible point of view.

Before I get to last incident, and by far the most significant, I'd like to make note that yes, I am using Huffington Post as sources for these articles. Though I obviously read it, and agree with much of it, I'm not a huge fan of citing Huffington Post as a source due to its extreme liberal bent. I generally prefer to be more unbiased, hence often using CNN which I feel is the most unbiased of the major American news networks (though it still has problems). Fortunately Huffington Post does link to video footage of these interviews so you can watch the comments I'm referring to unedited.

Okay, the last insensitive remark from a Republican politician comes from vice presidential hopeful PAUL RYAN. He says quote, "the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life" when asked about his feelings on rape and pregnancy. That's right he called rape a method of conception. Not a cause or reason, a method. Now let's look at the definition of method taken from The first definition lists a method as "a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan," and the rest of its definitions are similar. I have to ask, who plans to have a rape result in pregnancy? The rapist whose motivations most likely stem from perverse sexual gratification and desires to victimize others in the moments that he's assaulting his victims, or the victim who doesn't want any part of the encounter to begin with? If rape is a method of conception it unlikely applies to the rapist, and definitely does not apply to the victim, so why should the victim suffer the brunt of the consequences? Why not force the rapist to carry a pregnancy full term for committing such heinous acts? Paul Ryan's poor choice of words, shows a clear insensitivity and lack of understanding towards the issue of rape, and considering his advocacy for Todd Akin to step down in light of the comments Akin made regarding rape, I believe Paul Ryan should himself resign.

I doubt Ryan has any intention of stepping down. But I do really dislike him as a vice-presidential candidate and would prefer not to see him in office for a variety of reasons, some of which are exemplefied by the comments he just made.

Grumble. The way things are going I'll probably have more articles to link to tomorrow. Until then enjoy the comic.



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"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.