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October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012 - I'm sure a ton of you reading this share Mary's look of concern over Kristen's expectations for her pregnancy, but I got a lot of other stuff to talk about. So I'm going to push that discussion to Monday.

Firstly, I totally jinxed myself when I said there was nothing to talk about yesterday. Which honestly was kind of my expectation, but it's a fail of epic proportions. Yesterday was International Day of the Girl, a day dedicated to advocate women's rights throughout the world. Obviously finding out about this after the fact shows a lack of prominence for many issues women face, and I'm embarrassed I didn't realize yesterday was International Day of the Girl until so late. But honestly every day should be spent championing these causes instead of waiting til the 11th of October every year.

Likewise, Romney ammended the comments he made Tuesday. I don't think this really comes as much of a surprise to anyone so there's little else to say on the matter. The vice presidential debates last night also mentioned abortion, and both candidates expressed similar views to what they've said before. I wish the candidates had made mention of how they plan to prevent unintended pregnancies as it's the obvious leading cause of abortion. Biden could have easily mentioned increased access to contraception and i'd be curious to hear Ryan's response if he even has one.

Lastly we have some ridiculous comments from State Representative Roger Rivard of Wisconsin regarding rape. They don't even begin to make sense to me, so I won't attempt to describe them. But they continue to show a pattern of politicians out of touch with issues that women face.

So yeah, that's a lot to get through, and I'll have even more to talk about Monday as I turn attention back to Kristen.



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"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.