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December 11, 2012

December 11, 2012 - I have a pretty horrible memory when it comes to remembering to draw married characters wearing wedding rings, so this comic mainly serves to cover any inconsistencies drawing attention to them. Maybe I should have thought this through better.

In general ads for contraceptives and sex aids have gotten better with Cialis and KY both running campaigns seemingly actively targetting married people. In fact my least favorite use of sex in advertising is actually this ad which I find promotes women as sex objects and casual sex as highly desireable without any concern for consequences (skip to :30 for the scene I'm speciffically talking about). I'd really love a scene taking place eight months later wherein the now pregnant woman tracks down the guy and says "it's yours," to which he takes his sip of Coke Zero and asks, "And?" She then responds, "you should probably get tested for HIV."

Anyway, now I'm back home and now stumbling upon a new rape joke controversy in webcomics. This says pretty much everything I could have to say. I honestly hesistate how much I should talk about things like this because I hate the idea of drawing attention to something insensitive when really I'd like it to go away, and action has already been taken to remove the offending comic and insensitive "apology." But I do think it's important to not simply ignore insensitive behavior like this and take action to prevent it. Plus I already mentioned that Coke Zero ad which unfortunately has already run for about a year and I still see on air occassionally.



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"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.