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September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012 - The fundraiser's still going on at indiegogo and will continue until October 6th. At which point the next step begins or your donations will be refunded. Please contribute.

As I said yesterday, today's comic is pretty heavy, and it even has a punchline commentating on how poorly people occassionally deal with difficult information. To be fair some elements of Vanessa's situation are implausible, though it does have very strict anti-abortion laws, the Nicaraguan government has never said someone has died in Nicaragua in such a situation as Vanessa's (which is a large part of why I chose to include the implication of some criminal involvement, as I don't really know enough about the Nicaraguan government to have developed a definitive opinion on it). But Nicargua is one of many Central and South American nations with harsh abortion laws and high abortion rates that have generated controversial examples of hypocritical treatment of women seeking abortions. For example this recent case in the Dominican Republic.

Eventually I intend to explore the character of Vanessa a bit more. I envy her determination to cross international borders in pursuit of her beliefs while I tend to worry about such problems on just a national scale rather than a global one (and likewise the staff of the clinic rather safely abides by the law). But my feeling is that I do more good the more I can be available to do good and getting myself into dangerous situations is not preferable (this is also a large part of why my estimate for my fundraiser is about double what it'd actually cost to execute, so i can ensure i do it safely which in turn doubles my costs by my reasoning, but bleh, I already plugged that).

To me the important thing is how do you help the most people, and sometimes we lose sight of that due to either failing to view people as people and more as an example or statistic or because it becomes too difficult to really look at. I'm not sure I supported this last argument that well, largely I'm starting to ramble.

Furthermore I didn't even realize this comic was going up on the anniversary of an event that happened 11 years ago. I remember where I was, and what I did that day. It was bad. But one of the biggest things I think about now, when I look at that tragedy is another tragedy years later when a little girl born on that day was shot and killed during an assassination attempt on a female politician. The girl was there because she had hope for humanity and politics and that we can work together for the greater good. I still think we can do that. I think people's dreams don't die when they do.

Okay. Done. See you tomorrow.



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"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.