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-State by State Abortion Laws

September 12, 2012

September 12, 2012 - The fundraiser's still going on at indiegogo and will continue until October 6th. At which point the next step begins or your donations will be refunded. Please contribute.

Today's comic is such a cliché I don't know if it even qualifies as humor. Also there's nothing funny about a victim of abuse or requiring an abortion (though obviously there's some humor in the way how others assess and inappropriately react to these situations which is kinda at the core of this comic, trying to get people to approach the situations they're uncomfortable talking about or researching by pointing out how stupid (and in many cases harmful) not talking about it can be).

So yeah, this storyline deals a bit with forms of domestic abuse, and is a bit more serious in tone than some of the previous storylines, though I tried to break it up so it's not too overwhelming. And I also tried to focus on offering a viewpoint of what the victim feels rather than focus solely on what others feel about the victim which I think happens more often in these circumstances than people really recognize. Most statements regarding tragedy are often, "I think what happened to someone else is horrible," rather than the victim speaking for himself or herself (though often the victim may be too traumatized to speak for himself or herself, it's a very fine line and finding a voice can be difficult). Overall, I'm pretty sure Kristen makes more appearances than any patient since at least Patience, if not surpassing Patience completely.

Also if anyone thought the "date" Star set up for Aaron and Ellie would go well, he or she obviously did not read last week's comics. I can't get them together based on a silly misunderstanding.



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"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.