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April 17, 2012 - If Star were a character on Scrubs, she'd be the Todd. Star was probably the least popular character Emily and I created, but she's probably my favorite. We love Star. Of course she's totally in the wrong here, but that doesn't make me love her any less. In fact, it's part of what I love about her.

On a more serious note about this comic's content, birth control is generally termed as preventative measures, such as the pill, condoms, etc., stuff you do to not get pregnant (here's a comparative list of birth control methods according to wikipedia (not that they're a real authority on anything), notice that abortion (and abstinence, but that's a whole additional psychological debate) aren't on it). Unlike birth control, abortion is a reactionary procedure, something that stops a pregnancy from progressing rather than altogether preventing conception. Because of similar controversy surrounding both birth control and abortion the two are often lumped together, and though they are admittedly related I feel making a decision to not get pregnant (i.e. use birth control) is very different than making a decision regarding how to handle an unwanted pregnancy once becoming pregnant (i.e. abortion). One course of action owns up to taking responsibility for one's sexual behavior while the other implies a negative circumstance of either a lack of sexual education (as Mary suggests), health problems for the fetus or mother, or possibly sexual abuse including rape.

It's somewhat ironic that the same people that fight for less comprehensive sexual education are often the same ones fighting against more liberal abortion legislation. I don't think abortion is a choice anyone wants to make, but I truly feel because of the conservative attitudes towards sexual education it becomes a necessary medical procedure for many women (and there are other reasons it should remain legal as well). Because of the timing, having an abortion is the last decision a woman makes to prevent a pregnancy, I feel if you want to prevent abortions you should begin with the first decision which includes encouraging woman to learn comprehensive sexual education. But this is just my opinion, and everyone's entitled to his or her own, but if you think a kid's going to become interested in sex, I would encourage giving him or her as much information as possible rather than simply telling them not to do it without a clear reason why.

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