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January 27, 2014 - The March for Life had an estimated 650,000 people participating in 2013. Guess how many children were in foster care in the US in 2012? 399,546 with slightly more children entering it than leaving. So if less than two thirds of the people marching would adopt children, theoretically we'd have no children in foster care. So why if these people care so much about children aren't they adopting? They seem to have enough finances to attend the march and certainly use enough rhetoric espousing the sanctity of life, making me question the honesty of their statements and understanding of the women choosing to abort when such a large group seems to not put in the effort to make meaningful change.

Speaking of empty statements Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul each made a statement over the weekend demonstrating a lack of understanding of female voters. Huckabee said, "Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without 'Uncle Sugar' coming in and for providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or reproductive system without the help of the government - then so be it." Apparently he can't understand that the inclusion of birth control on health care is about providing access so women don't have to jump over the ridiculous hurdles Huckabee thinks they should feel privileged to work to confront.

Paul tried to attack Democrats by pointing out Former President Clinton's previous affair with an intern, yet that incident behind us, which party has done more to prevent such abuses of power? The first search result I found regarding legislature being introduced to protect interns from sexual harassment involved a bill being introduced by a Democrat. The Republican party needs to start sponsoring more bills like this if wants to attract more women voters instead of saying they should be proud to work so hard for things the GOP leaders seemingly take for granted.

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